Best Yellow Shrubs for Your Garden

a yellow shrub in a garden

Best Yellow Shrubs for Your Garden

If you’re starting out with a new garden or looking to spruce things up, you might be looking to introduce vibrant yellow colours to your garden. While there are many different shrubs to choose from, adding splashes of yellow can really boost your patch and in this blog, we’ll be looking at the best yellow shrubs for your garden.

In addition to their beauty, yellow shrubs can also offer a number of other benefits to your garden. For example, many yellow shrubs are known for attracting bees and other pollinators, which can be vital for the health of your garden ecosystem. In addition, some yellow shrubs can provide a natural barrier or privacy screen, which can be particularly useful if you have a large or exposed garden. And of course, there’s the simple pleasure of looking out onto a garden full of bright, cheerful yellow shrubs each day, which can help to boost your mood and overall well-being.


One of the most popular yellow shrubs that can be grown in the UK is the Forsythia. This plant is known for its stunning bright yellow flowers, which typically bloom in late winter or early spring and is the envy of those who have yet to grow this stunner in their garden. Forsythia is a hardy plant that can grow to be quite tall if left unchecked, making it an ideal choice for gardeners looking to add some height to their flower beds. While Forsythia is relatively easy to care for, it’s important to prune the plant regularly to keep it from growing too large and encourage new flowers’ growth.

Yellow Azalea

yellow azalea

Another yellow shrub that is well-suited to the UK climate is the Yellow Azalea. This plant is known for its bright yellow flowers, which typically bloom in the spring. Yellow Azaleas prefer acidic soil and should be planted in a spot that gets partial shade, making them an ideal choice for woodland gardens or areas with dappled sunlight. These shrubs can grow to be quite tall, so it’s important to plant them in a spot where they’ll have plenty of room to grow.

Golden Raspberry

golden raspberry

Why not get a shrub that comes with the added benefit of edible tasty treats? The Golden Raspberry may be just what you’re looking for. This plant is known for its bright yellow berries, which have a sweet and tangy flavour that is reminiscent of traditional red raspberries. Golden Raspberries prefer well-drained soil and should be planted in a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. While these shrubs can be somewhat difficult to care for, the reward of a bountiful harvest of golden berries is well worth the effort.

Salvia Madrenis

salvia madrenis

One yellow variety that is sure to add a pop of colour to any garden is the Salvia Madrenis. This plant is known for its stunning yellow and red flowers, which bloom from spring through to autumn. Salvia Madrenis is a hardy plant that prefers well-drained soil and can be grown in a variety of different garden styles, from traditional cottage gardens to more modern and minimalist designs. This plant is easy to care for and can be pruned back in the autumn to encourage new growth in the following year.

Yellow Spirea

yellow shrubs for garden

A fantastic yellow shrub that is well-suited to the UK climate is the Yellow Spirea. This plant is known for its bright yellow foliage, which turns a stunning shade of orange in the autumn (so you get two for one!). Yellow Spirea prefers well-drained soil and should be planted in a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. While these shrubs can be somewhat difficult to care for, the reward of their beautiful foliage is well worth the effort.


In conclusion, yellow shrub plants are a beautiful and vibrant addition to any garden. From the bright yellow flowers of the Forsythia to the stunning foliage of the Yellow Spirea, there are many different varieties to choose from. Whether you’re looking to add some height to your garden, create a woodland oasis, or simply add a pop of colour to your flower beds, these yellow shrubs are sure to do the trick. And with the addition of Salvia ”Hot Lips’ to the mix, you can create a stunning display of yellow and red that will delight both you and your garden visitors. So why not take a closer look at some of these beautiful yellow shrubs and see if they might be the perfect addition to your garden this spring?